Pixelsdo Mobile ئاپەکان

Deposit & Savings Calculator 3.29.2
Pixelsdo Mobile
A financial calculator for calculating Certificate of deposit andSavings. Use this CD calculator to find out how much interest isearned on a certificate of deposit (CD) or saving account. It cancalculate the maturity amount and total interest for daily,monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually compoundedinterests. FEATURES * Caculator for Term Deposit and Savings * Easyto use. * Works on both Smart Phones and Tablets * Sends thereports via E-mail * Runs on all Andriod versions and all screensizes. * No Internet connection is required PERMISSIONS OnlyInternet permission is required for displaying Ads. DISCLAIMER: Theresults shown by the calculator are an approximate guide only. Theydo not represent either quotes or pre-qualifications for anyproduct and should not be used as exact values for financialplanning purposes.
Metal Weight Calculator 6.00
Pixelsdo Mobile
Metal Weight Calculator is a fast and simple app for calculatingweights of metals. Or you can specify weight of the metal to getthe length. Developed with an intuitive interface. It means lessclick, fast results. App remembers your settings for next use.Supports Steel, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Nickel, Copper, and more metaltypes. You can use this app for all known metal forms or Standards;like ; Round, Sheet, Tube, Rectangle, S beam , American standard,HP - American wide flange bearing piles, C - American standardchannels, HD - Wide flange columns, HP piles, MC - Americanchannels and much more. Other Features of Metal Weight Calculator -Internet connection is not required. - Small apk size. - Nobackground process. - Fast and simple. - Totally Free. "as simpleas possible"
Tank Volume 5.02
Pixelsdo Mobile
Probably the fastest way of Calculating Tank Volume
Concrete Calculator Pro 5.01
Pixelsdo Mobile
A simple tool for construction calculations.
Metal Weight Calculator Pro 11.01
Pixelsdo Mobile
Probably the fastest way of Calculating Metal Weight.
Loan Calculator Pro 4.11
Pixelsdo Mobile
Loan Calculator Ads Free Most of Credit Types • Personal Loan•Mortgage Loan • Car Loan • Business Loan • Business Overdraft•Because banks and financial institutions instantaneousexchangerates taken from interest rate has dropped to user input.
Concrete Calculator 5.01
Pixelsdo Mobile
A simple tool to calculate how much concrete is needed forpouringslabs, footings, columns and steps. Concrete Calculator is afreecalculator with the following functionalities: -Calculatecement,sand and aggregate amount in concrete. -How many premixconcretebags required for your project. -Option to set your own bagsizeand rate of premix bags. -Calculate Blocks (bricks) countneeded tobuild a wall by area. -Plastering Calculator. -Calculatethe weightof rebar -Metric or imperial Units support Developed withanintuitive interface. It means less click, fast results.Appremembers your settings for next use. Other Features ofConcreteCalculator - Internet connection is not required. - Smallapk size.- No background process. - Share or Save function. - Fastandsimple. - Better tablet support. - Totally Free. ** ThisConcreteCalculator should be used as an estimating tool ONLY.Applicationis not responsible for any discrepancies oncalculations. **
Tank Volume Calculator Pro 4.29
Pixelsdo Mobile
Pro Version of Tank Volume Calculator
Loan Calculator 5.11
Pixelsdo Mobile
Loan Calculator is a free mobile app that allows you tocalculateall types of loan. SIMPLE, FAST AND INTUITIVE Many banksofferdifferent conditions and you can not make your choice?LoanCalculator calculates the monthly payment, the amount ofinterestpaid, the total cost of credit, and amortization Schedule.Enterthe data and the result will be generated. User can sendthecalculation results to others via Email and FinancialProfessionalscan email the quote to their clients. WHERE TO USE: *PersonalLoans * Mortgage Loan * Business Loan * Auto Loan *BusinessOverdraft FEATURES * Works without internet connection. *Nobackground process. * Totally free, no hidden charges orin-apppurchases. * Do not require any special permissions. * Canbeinstalled on the SD card. * Option to share results.